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Using Gemini with Multi Modal Data

This tutorial shows how to use instructor with google-generativeai to work with multi-modal data. In this example, we'll demonstrate three ways to work with audio files.

We'll be using this recording that's taken from the Google Generative AI cookbook.

Normal Message

The first way to work with audio files is to upload the entire audio file and pass it into the LLM as a normal message. This is the easiest way to get started and doesn't require any special setup.

import instructor
import google.generativeai as genai
from pydantic import BaseModel

client = instructor.from_gemini(
    mode=instructor.Mode.GEMINI_JSON,  # (1)!

mp3_file = genai.upload_file("./sample.mp3")  # (2)!

class Description(BaseModel):
    description: str

resp = client.create(
            "role": "user",
            "content": "Summarize what's happening in this audio file and who the main speaker is",
            "role": "user",
            "content": mp3_file,  # (3)!

#> description="The main speaker is President John F. Kennedy, and he's giving a
#> State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress. He begins by
#> acknowledging his fondness for the House of Representatives and his long
#> history with it. He then goes on to discuss the state of the economy,
#> highlighting the difficulties faced by Americans, such as unemployment and
#> low farm incomes. He also touches on the Cold War and the international
#> balance of payments. He speaks of the need to strengthen the US military,
#> and he also discusses the importance of international cooperation and the
#> need to address global issues like hunger and illiteracy. He ends by urging
#> his audience to work together to face the challenges that lie ahead."
  1. Make sure to set the mode to GEMINI_JSON, this is important because Tool Calling doesn't work with multi-modal inputs.
  2. Use genai.upload_file to upload your file. If you've already uploaded the file, you can get it by using genai.get_file
  3. Pass in the file object as any normal user message

Inline Audio Segment

Maximum File Size

When uploading and working with audio, there is a maximum file size that we can upload to the api as an inline segment. You'll know when this error is thrown below.

google.api_core.exceptions.InvalidArgument: 400 Request payload size exceeds the limit: 20971520 bytes. Please upload your files with the File API instead.`f = genai.upload_file(path); m.generate_content(['tell me about this file:', f])`

When it comes to video files, we recommend using the file.upload method as shown in the example above.

Secondly, we can also pass in a audio segment as a normal message as an inline object as shown below. This requires you to install the pydub library in order to do so.

import instructor
import google.generativeai as genai
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydub import AudioSegment

client = instructor.from_gemini(
    mode=instructor.Mode.GEMINI_JSON,  # (1)!

sound = AudioSegment.from_mp3("sample.mp3")  # (2)!
sound = sound[:60000]

class Transcription(BaseModel):
    summary: str
    exact_transcription: str

resp = client.create(
            "role": "user",
            "content": "Please transcribe this recording",
            "role": "user",
            "content": {
                "mime_type": "audio/mp3",
                "data": sound.export().read(),  # (3)!


#> summary='President delivers a speech to a joint session of Congress,
#> highlighting his history in the House of Representatives and thanking
#> the members of Congress for their guidance.',
# >
#> exact_transcription="The President's State of the Union address to a
#> joint session of the Congress from the rostrum of the House of
#> Representatives, Washington DC, January 30th 1961. Mr. Speaker, Mr.
#> Vice-President, members of the Congress, it is a pleasure to return
#> from whence I came. You are among my oldest friends in Washington,
#> and this house is my oldest home. It was here that I first took the
#> oath of federal office. It was here for 14 years that I gained both
#> knowledge and inspiration from members of both"
  1. Make sure to set the mode to GEMINI_JSON, this is important because Tool Calling doesn't work with multi-modal inputs.
  2. Use AudioSegment.from_mp3 to load your audio file.
  3. Pass in the audio data as bytes to the data field using the content as a dictionary with the right content mime_type and data as bytes

Lists of Content

We also support passing in these as a single list as per the documentation for google-generativeai. Here's how to do so with a audio segment snippet from the same recording.

Note that the list can contain normal user messages as well as file objects. It's incredibly flexible.

import instructor
import google.generativeai as genai
from pydantic import BaseModel

client = instructor.from_gemini(
    mode=instructor.Mode.GEMINI_JSON,  # (1)!

mp3_file = genai.upload_file("./sample.mp3")  # (2)!

class Description(BaseModel):
    description: str

content = [
    "Summarize what's happening in this audio file and who the main speaker is",
    mp3_file,  # (3)!

resp = client.create(
            "role": "user",
            "content": content,

#> description='President John F. Kennedy delivers State of the Union Address to \
#> Congress. He outlines national challenges: economic struggles, debt concerns, \
#> communism threat, Cold War. Proposes solutions: increased military spending, \
#> new economic programs, expanded foreign aid. Calls for active U.S. role in \
#> international affairs. Emphasizes facing challenges, avoiding panic, and \
#> working together for a better future.'
  1. Make sure to set the mode to GEMINI_JSON, this is important because Tool Calling doesn't work with multi-modal inputs.
  2. Upload the file using genai.upload_file or get the file using genai.get_file
  3. Pass in the content as a list containing the normal user message and the file object.